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The Story of Pizza
Long ago, there was a simple food that became very famous. This food is pizza. People in Italy made the first pizzas. But, pizza did not look like it does today.
Back then, pizza was just flatbread with olive oil and herbs. It was the food of poor people because it was cheap to make. In the city of Naples, people started adding tomatoes to this bread. This was the start of the pizza we know today.
In 1889, something special happened. A man named Raffaele Esposito made a pizza for the Queen of Italy. He used tomatoes, mozzarella cheese, and basil. These colors were like the Italian flag: red, white, and green. The Queen loved this pizza so much! They named it “Margherita Pizza” after her.
After that, pizza became more popular. People from other countries tasted it and liked it a lot. Now, you can find pizza in almost every country in the world. It can have many toppings like vegetables, meats, and even fruits.
Pizza has a long history. It started very simple and became a food that everyone loves. It shows how food can change and become part of many cultures. And that’s the story of pizza.


2 - Pizza - More difficult - ENG/ENG - Conversation

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The Origins of Pizza
Edward: Have you ever pondered the fascinating lineage of pizza, Amelia? It’s quite the tale, stretching back to the ancient Greeks.
Amelia: Indeed, Edward. The Greeks had a dish called ‘plakous.’ Essentially, it was a flatbread adorned with herbs, oil, and cheese. Would you consider that the precursor to our modern pizza?
Edward: Arguably so. However, the culinary journey of pizza takes a pivotal turn in Naples, Italy, during the 18th century. This humble dish, dressed with tomatoes – a New World import deemed safe to eat in the late 1600s – transformed into what we discern as pizza today.
Amelia: Ah, the Neapolitan pizza! Its simplicity, a testament to culinary brilliance. Tomato, mozzarella, basil, and olive oil, symbolizing the Italian flag. But, Edward, let’s not bypass the momentous year of 1889.
Edward: Ah, the year when pizza gained its royal endorsement! Chef Raffaele Esposito crafted the Pizza Margherita in honor of Queen Margherita of Savoy. Its presentation to the queen not only elevated its status but marked a pivotal moment in its global journey.
Amelia: Precisely. From there, pizza embarked on its worldwide odyssey, morphing into various forms. The United States, for instance, has witnessed the birth of Chicago’s deep-dish, New York’s thin crust, and even the controversial Hawaiian pizza.
Edward: A dish as simple as it is versatile, pizza exemplifies the essence of culinary evolution. Its tale, replete with cultural exchanges, is a microcosm of globalization, don’t you think?
Amelia: Absolutely, Edward. Pizza’s historical tapestry, woven from threads of innovation and tradition, serves as a delectable narrative of human ingenuity.




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A Brew Through Time

In the verdant abyss of ancient Ethiopian highlands,
Legend whispers of a goat herder, Kaldi, who found
His flock, in jubilant bounds, beneath the arabica shrouds,
Their bleats echoing in caffeine-induced delights profound.

Through monasteries, where monks, in nocturnal prayers,
Discovered in these cherries a vigil’s keeper, a friend,
Brewing concoctions to ward off the grip of sleep’s layers,
A tradition began, its tendrils around the globe to extend.

Ottoman lands embraced the bean with fervent zeal,
In Istanbul’s coffeehouses, intellects met and minds spun.
Here, over dark elixirs, the course of empires would feel
The weight of decisions, in the shadow of the setting sun.

Across the Venetian canals to Europe’s grand courts,
Coffee’s aroma weaved through the tapestry of the age.
In the salons of Paris, it mingled with Enlightenment thoughts,
As philosophers mused, and revolutions set the stage.

From the docks of London, where coffeehouses bore
The rumblings of commerce, insurance, and trade’s birth.
To the fields of the New World, where enslaved hands tore,
For coffee’s demand, a bitter legacy of its worth.

Through waves of innovation, from drip to espresso’s steam,
In each sip, a history of cultures, of human dream and strife.
A global tapestry woven in the warmth of coffee’s beam,
Bitter, sweet, intertwining in the complex brew of life.

So, raise your cup, a toast to history’s winding paths,
To Kaldi’s goats, to monks, to power’s rise and fall,
In coffee’s depths, a reflection of humanity’s crafts,
A bitter bean, uniting us all, in its aromatic call.



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La Historia del Café
El café es una bebida muy popular en todo el mundo. Pero, ¿sabías cómo comenzó la historia del café? La historia del café es muy interesante.
Todo empezó hace muchos años en África, en un país llamado Etiopía. Se dice que un pastor llamado Kaldi notó que sus cabras estaban muy felices y llenas de energía después de comer frutos rojos de un arbusto. Kaldi decidió probar estos frutos y también se sintió muy enérgico.
Kaldi le contó a un monje sobre los frutos. El monje hizo una bebida con ellos para mantenerse despierto toda la noche y rezar. Así es como se descubrió el café.
La noticia del café se extendió por el mundo. Llegó a Arabia, donde comenzaron a cultivar café. Después, el café llegó a Europa y se convirtió en una bebida muy popular.
Hoy, el café se cultiva en muchos países y la gente lo disfruta en todo el mundo. Hay muchas maneras de preparar café y tiene un sabor delicioso.
El café no solo es una bebida, sino una forma de compartir y disfrutar con amigos y familia. La próxima vez que tomes café, recuerda su interesante historia.

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La Historia del Café
El café es una bebida muy popular en todo el mundo. Pero, ¿sabías cómo comenzó la historia del café? La historia del café es muy interesante.
Todo empezó hace muchos años en África, en un país llamado Etiopía. Se dice que un pastor llamado Kaldi notó que sus cabras estaban muy felices y llenas de energía después de comer frutos rojos de un arbusto. Kaldi decidió probar estos frutos y también se sintió muy enérgico.
Kaldi le contó a un monje sobre los frutos. El monje hizo una bebida con ellos para mantenerse despierto toda la noche y rezar. Así es como se descubrió el café.
La noticia del café se extendió por el mundo. Llegó a Arabia, donde comenzaron a cultivar café. Después, el café llegó a Europa y se convirtió en una bebida muy popular.
Hoy, el café se cultiva en muchos países y la gente lo disfruta en todo el mundo. Hay muchas maneras de preparar café y tiene un sabor delicioso.
El café no solo es una bebida, sino una forma de compartir y disfrutar con amigos y familia. La próxima vez que tomes café, recuerda su interesante historia.

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L’odyssée du café à travers les âges
Le café, cette boisson omniprésente aujourd’hui dans nos vies quotidiennes, a parcouru un long chemin historique, jonché de légendes, de convoitises et d’évolutions culturelles, avant de s’imposer comme l’élixir matinal par excellence. Originaire d’Éthiopie, selon une légende, c’est au hasard de la découverte par un berger nommé Kaldi, intrigué par l’effet tonifiant des baies rouges sur ses chèvres, que le potentiel du café commença à être exploré.
Au XIVe siècle, le café traverse le détroit de Bab-el-Mandeb pour gagner la péninsule arabique où il est d’abord utilisé par les soufis pour rester éveillés lors des prières nocturnes. Sa culture se systématise surtout au Yémen, où la ville de Mocha, donnera son nom à un type de café. Au fil des siècles, l’empire ottoman joue un rôle prépondérant dans l’expansion de la consommation du café, introduisant l’art de sa préparation et de sa dégustation dans des maisons de café, véritables lieux de socialisation et d’échanges intellectuels.
L’introduction du café en Europe au XVIIe siècle marqua un tournant, avec l’ouverture de nombreux cafés, lieux d’effervescence intellectuelle, politique et sociale. Londres, Vienne, Paris, chacune de ces grandes villes vit naître des cafés devenus légendaires. En parallèle, la colonisation et l’esclavage contribuèrent à l’expansion des cultures caféières dans le Nouveau Monde, modifiant profondément l’économie mondiale du café.
Aujourd’hui, la scène du café est marquée par une quête incessante de qualité et d’innovation, avec une attention particulière portée aux modes de production durable et éthique. La troisième vague du café, prônant un retour au terroir et une valorisation des savoir-faire locaux, illustre cette transformation vers une consommation plus consciente et raffinée.
Ainsi, de ses origines mystérieuses en Éthiopie à son statut de boisson globale, le café a tissé sa toile à travers les continents, devenant un vecteur de rencontres, d’innovations et, parfois, de controverses. Sa riche histoire nous convie à une réflexion plus profonde sur les liens complexes entre culture, économie et société.



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The Barista’s Craft

Emily: Hey, Tom. How do you like your coffee in the morning?

Tom: Hi, Emily. I enjoy a simple espresso. It’s strong and wakes me up. And you?

Emily: I love a latte. It’s smooth and has a lot of milk. But, Tom, why are some coffees better than others?

Tom: Good question, Emily. A lot of it is about the barista—the person who makes the coffee. They need to know many things.

Emily: Like what?

Tom: Well, they need to understand different types of coffee. Each type has its own way to make. For example, an espresso is quick and uses less water. A latte needs more milk.

Emily: That sounds hard.

Tom: Yes, but the best baristas make it look easy. They also must be clean, fast, and friendly.

Emily: Friendly?

Tom: Sure. A good morning starts with a good coffee and a smile.

Emily: I agree, Tom. Next time, I’ll thank my barista more. They do a lot for us.

Tom: Yes, they do, Emily. Let’s go try something new today. Maybe a cappuccino?

Emily: Great idea, Tom! Let’s go!

Choose the right question set from the list.



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The Revolution of Artificial Intelligence in Pedagogy

The domain of education stands on the cusp of a transformative epoch, heralded by the integration of Artificial Intelligence (AI) into its very fabric. This digital renaissance, though incipient, promises to recalibrate the traditional paradigms of teaching and learning. At the heart of this revolution lies the potential for AI to engender bespoke learning experiences, thereby democratizing education in unprecedented ways.

AI’s most conspicuous contribution to education is its ability to provide personalized learning. Algorithms, underpinned by extensive data analysis, discern the learning pace, preferences, and prowess of individual students, thereby tailoring the educational content to suit their unique needs. This hyper-personalization not only bolsters engagement but also amplifies comprehension and retention rates, marking a departure from the one-size-fits-all approach that has hitherto dominated pedagogical strategies.

Furthermore, AI heralds the advent of autonomous educational agents — virtual tutors that afford students the luxury of accessing bespoke assistance 24/7. These AI tutors, imbued with natural language processing capabilities, can engage students in meaningful dialogues, clarify doubts, and provide feedback, allaying the constraints of time and geographical barriers.

However, this digital dawn is not without its nascency challenges. Ethical considerations, data privacy concerns, and the digital divide omienuous loom large, threatening to derail the equitable implementation of AI in education. It behooves educationalists, policymakers, and technologists to navigate these hurdles with sagacity, to ensure that AI serves as a beacon of inclusive education.

As we stand at the threshold of this educational renaissance, the onus is on us to harness AI’s potential judiciously, paving the way for an enlightened future where education is personalized, accessible, and equitable.



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